


Call for ECCO-AOCC visiting Travel Grant

The IMKASID 2024 IUS workshop

AOCC IUS promer 2023

AOCC IUS promer 2022


Call for ECCO-AOCC visiting Travel Grant

We are pleased to inform you that we have started accepting applications for ECCO-AOCC Visiting Travel Grant for 2026.

The aim is to offer an opportunity for Asian investigators (AOCC Members) to visit an IBD Centre in Europe (ECCO Country Members) or for European investigators (ECCO Members) to visit Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Centre in Asia , to learn about advanced endoscopy related to IBD or for clinical observations as an IBD Specialist.

Deadline : May 5, 2025

Target audience: Early career scientists, not yet 40 years old or still in training. Open for all disciplines

Place of research: Hosting institute outside one’s own country

AOCC Membership: ECCO-AOCC Visiting Travel Grant applicants and their hosts need to be ECCO or AOCC Members respectively (at the time of application)

Prize: EUR 10,000Number of awards available: 2

Duration of funding: max. 3 months  

Application documents



AOCC IUS Primer 2023

Dear Members of AOCC,

To continue the great success that we achieved in the first AOCC IUS Primer Webinar held in December 2022, the AOCC Educational Committee is excited to announce that there are two upcoming webinars in 2023, as part of our efforts in advancing IBD management in Asia through IUS. The two webinars will focus on Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis respectively.

The AOCC Educational Committee cordially invites you to the AOCC IUS Primer 2023: Multimodal Use of Intestinal Ultrasound in Crohn’s Disease – From Diagnosis to Follow-Up Webinar that is scheduled on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 | 18:00–19:00 (GMT +8).

Please join our top expert faculty to hear them share about their key insights and experience on the:

  • Role of IUS for the diagnosis and clinical management of CD and the association between IUS findings and endoscopic disease activity.
  • Role of IUS in detecting CD complications.


This webinar contents related to Chapters 6–8 of the AOCC IUS Primer Module:

For those who have missed the live session, you could review the video recording below:

AOCC IUS Primer 2022

The AOCC Educational Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the Intestinal Ultrasounds (IUS) Primer Module!

The module intends to provide you the basic knowledge of ultrasound technique on management of IBD. This module is developed by AOCC IUS Primer Working Group with the support of Janssen Asia Pacific.


The chapters are as follows:

 ・Chapter 1: Introduction to IUS for excellence in IBD diagnosis and management

 ・Chapter 2: Current evidence for the role of IUS in the continuum of care for IBD

 ・Chapter 3: Patient preparation and basic IUS techniques

 ・Chapter 4: Normal bowel on IUS and abnormal findings in IBD

 ・Chapter 5: IUS for clinical management of UC

 ・Chapter 6: IUS for clinical management of CD

 ・Chapter 7: IUS for detecting complications of IBD

 ・Chapter 8: Advanced IUS Techniques for IBD Management

 ・Chapter 9: Clinical Implications - IUS for Excellence in IBD Management

 ・Chapter 10: Appendix

AOCC IUS Primer Webinar 2022: Advancing IBD Management in Asia with IUS was broadcasted on Dec 15th, 2022 with great success. The webinar covered Chapters 1 – 4 of the IUS Primer Module to introduce the fundamental concept and technique of IUS in IBD management. For those of who have missed the webinar, we have posted the video of the presentations and documents for your review.